Never Interrupt an Enemy

“Did that,” Tara answered.  “The Treaty of Separation is completely unambiguous.  The border is entirely open to free trade, except that each party may forbid the import of products into their own territory.”

“Never interrupt an enemy who is trying to commit suicide,” Chelan remarked.  “A fine aphorism.  And a note to Elaine Bell, look at building civilian fusactors.  The use a lot of rare earths, the demand for electricity across the Union is large, and I see another need for them.”

“But why are they doing this?” Tara asked.  “It costs a lot of money.”

“A puzzlement.  Perhaps the question is: Who is paying for it?” Chelan leaned back in his winged arm chair.  “We’re going to need a special meeting of the Executive Commitee.”

“I’ll set it up,” Tara said.  “You, Lawrence Morningstar, Benjamin Goldsmith, Margaret Evans, Rose Cohen, Charles Smith, Elaine Bell, an anonymous representative of the Audit committee, and myself as Counsel and Clerk.”

“Elaine?” Victor asked.

“Oregon Chancery said ‘yes’.  Very quickly, too.”  Tara observed. “Always good to have friends,”  Victor said, a smile on his face.  “The rationale ‘likely to speed debt discharges’ also sold well.”

About George Phillies

science fiction author -- researcher in polymer dynamics -- collector of board wargames -- President, National Fantasy Fan Federation
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